The Ghanaian Methodist Fellowship-UK Chaplaincy is celebrating its 10th Anniversary in September. The theme for the celebration is: 10 years of Integration, Prospects and Challenges. We're excited about the decade of existence, and we look back in thankfulness and adoration to God who has led us over the years. Events marking the celebration started in July with a Variety Day of Exhibition, a Musical Concert and rounded the day off with a splendid dramatization on the life and work of Revd. Thomas Birch Freeman in Gold Coast now Ghana. This event took place at Walworth Methodist Church.
Although we say it's our 10th Anniversary, the Fellowship has existed in some shape or form since 1995. However, it was in 2002 when the Methodist Church Ghana and Methodist Church Britain decided to bring the various Ghanaian Methodist Fellowships in London under one umbrella with the appointment of a first Chaplain. The Chaplaincy was thus born in 2002.
Since then the Fellowship has grown in size with with various organisations such as the Men's Fellowship, Women's Fellowship, Susannah Wesley Mission Auxiliary, Choir, Christ Little Band and Junior Fellowship all performing very important activities within and outside the Fellowship. Membership is drawn from all local Methodist Church in and around London. The Fellowship shares all core values of the Methodist Church Britain.
The aim of the Fellowship is to help Ghanaians to integrate into local Methodist Churches. Many Fellowship members are serving their local Methodist church in various roles such as Local Preachers, Sunday school teachers, Organist, Worship Leaders and Circuit officers. The Fellowship now holds monthly services at Methodist Central Hall, Westminster, on the second Sunday and St. Marks Methodist church in Tottenham on the fourth Sunday. There are also two sister Fellowships in Nottingham and Glasgow.
The Ghanaian Methodist Fellowship has participated in various programmes to forge closer relationship between Methodist Church Ghana and Methodist Church Britain. Recent activities include participation in "More Than Gold" programme, Annual Fun Games, Choir Concerts at various Methodist churches in Britain, Youth Exchange trips to Ghana and Britain, Ministerial Exchange trips to Ghana and Britain
We thank both Methodist Church Ghana and Methodist Church Britain for agreeing to such agreement that while trying to adapt to the British way of doing things, we're also allowed to celebrate our cultural diversity and traditional way of doing things. We are very much grateful to the London District for its continued support to the Chaplaincy.
Other events marking the celebration are: Brass Band Procession in London on Saturday 8th September, Anniversary Thanksgiving on Sunday 9th September at Methodist Central Hall, Westminster, and Banqueting and Fund raising event on Saturday 20th October at Ivory Mansion in Leytonstone. We extend invitation to all and sundry to join us in the celebration. For more information about the Fellowship and celebration activities, please check